The first and only monorail system in the world, which allows an unique and exceptional flexibility and capacity for a transport network for people and goods in a second transport level autonomously and without traffic jams

passenger transportation
SKYEXPRESS is a multi-stage transport system that enables regular public transport with large cabins in addition to individual transport with small cabins, or also cargo cabins for a goods-logistic system.
It provides sustainable, environmentally friendly and fast transport in urban as well as in rural, hilly areas. Cabin sizes from 3 to 30 people serve any need for cost efficiency or speed. Cabin depots at short intervals guarantee availability within a few minutes even in rush-hour time. Stops are always routed off the main line in a parallel rail, so that continuous traffic is never affected.
the concept
Individual and public passenger transport needs a new form that is environmentally friendly, sustainable, easy and quick to build, user-friendly and fast.
SKYEXPRESS allows installation on supports over the existing traffic routes or over land like a second traffic level. Inclines and descents up to 15° are possible. An unrestricted fast cabin sequence every second via switches and circular distributors in different directions for simultaneous scheduled and individual traffic guarantees highest flexibility and capacity.
individual cabins

line cabins

cargo units



Stops are always routed off the main line in a parallel rail, so that continuous traffic is never affected.
The cabins are electrically powered, fast and economical. Each cabin has its own control system, which reach the target completely autonomously. A higher-level, central control system controls and supplies the cabins with real-time information.
flexible and safe
With the immediate cabin sequence and the district distributors in the rail network, a unique flexibility is created. The autonomous control system communicates with cabins in the immediate vicinity and coordinates itself, e.g. when entering circular distributors, through redundant sensors.
The system allows individual booking of cabins of any size. The individual passenger will book a cabin of 3, an entire company one or more cabins of 30 at the respective cost. There are no limits to individual use within the transport network and transport se-no-stop passengers from the start to the destination in such a short time, which cannot be reached by any other means of transport.
SKYEXPRESS relieves road traffic and thus significantly reduces exhaust emissions, noise, accidents, stress and time losses due to traffic jams. This is a forward-looking transport system that does not yet exist in the world, which takes passengers to their destinations faster, safer and more cost-effectively than any other means of transport.
Wherever we present the SKYEXPRESS transport system at international events or in direct contacts, we are met with overwhelming interest. This is from Africa, where we already have an LOI from the Ministry of Railway Development from Ghana. We have also received further expressions of interest from other African countries (Angola, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia), as well as from some Asian countries (Malaysia, China, Indonesia and India).
There are also interested parties for defined projects in Europe (Portugal, Spain, Germany and Turkey) and the Middle East (Israel).
The project sizes vary between approx. EUR 250 million and EUR 1,800 million. Investors are welcome, a return of at least 6% p.a. can be guaranteed.
Our mission is the future oriented development of mobility. There are loads of problems all over the world. But first and foremost the climate change motivated us to bring this project to a success. People all over the planet should be able to travel, move fast, eco-friendly and cheap.

Transport networks are constantly evolving. SKYEXPRESS is modular and can be changed and / or expanded at any time.

hilly terrain
SKYEXPRESS can also handle inclines and gradients of up to 15°, which allows both use in hilly terrain and lowering stops to road level.

stops on different levels
Flexibility is the basic principle of the SKYEXPRESS transport system. Stops can be adapted in a variety of forms of expected user frequency at different levels.

intercity traffic
With SKYEXPRESS, entire regions in the surrounding area of the city networks or neighbouring towns can also be involved. For rural areas, individual solutions must also be built economically.

goods logistic
SKYEXPRESS allows previously unthinkable logistics solutions for the transport of goods. The supply can come directly from a logistic center or from a transfer station outside the city and is directed to the receiving station.

smart system
The booking of a cabin and/or the purchase of tickets for the use of a scheduled trip can be done in a conventional way at the vending machine or via smartphone. Additional information is displayed on your smartphone.